Saturday, 10 December 2011


Tired of the routine in boarding school.Wake up,eat,go to class, eat, go to class,sleep.Your mind and body is used to a certain methodical way of doing things that it doesn't know otherwise.You get out of your comfort zone and you think you are doomed.You are more the risk averse type, content with what you've got and don't want to change the way of things.These people don't get very far.Risk takers don't run away from a challenge rather relish it.They want to prove themselves and are usually successful.Don't be afraid to jump you may get a soft landing,after all,the number one question lingers again,'What do you have to lose?'

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

For better For worse???

For better,for worse,how worse can it get?This thing called love is surely blind,deaf and dumb.Once you get into that zone you think the both of you are indispensable.Has it ever occurred to you that he just wanted to use you like a tissue and flush you? but you still keep coming back up.You heed to all his requests but when the going gets tough you are all alone.
My other once told me that once a guy starts hitting you he will never stop unless you take a stand and show him the door ie; if he didn't convince you to quite your job and be the housewife that's always dependent on him, in that case you pack your bags and children and leave.A woman must always have a plan B,don't be too indulging.
Scottish novelist,Marie Corelli said,"I have never married because there was no need.I have three pets at home that serve the same purpose as a husband;a dog that growls every morning, a parrot that swears all afternoon and  a cat that comes home late at night."

Monday, 5 December 2011


This is the ingredient to failure that should be curbed at all costs.It nurture laziness, i try to avoid this and make myself indulge in something worthwhile like reading books where i get my inspiration from.You should be able to have a valid answer to the question that you should be asking yourself at the end of each day,"Did i do anything of importance today?"
Importance is the key word and its relative,everyone has their own interpretation.Let yours be,something that enriches you,that adds value to your life or state of well being.Let not your days just go by.Have a list of goals or accomplishments to attain everyday and make sure you at least cross out one item each day.It gives your direction and that's how more opportunities open up.

Saturday, 3 December 2011


Women have been voiceless and led to believe that our place is several steps behind a man and not next to him.We are called the weaker sex.It may be a mans world but don't be blinded by the mighty influence we hold.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Are you a dead duck?

Many years ago,a wealthy man went duck hunting with a hired hand  named Sam.They took a horse and carriage and along the way a rim came off one of the wheels.As he hammered it back on,he accidentally hit his finger.Instantly he let go with some bad words.He quickly fell on his knees asking Gods forgiveness."Lord,its so difficult at times to live the Christian life,"he prayed.
"Sam,"said the man.'I know you are a Christian,but tell me why you struggle so.I'm an atheist and I dont have problems like that."Sam dint know what to say.Just then two ducks flew overhead.The man raised his gun and two shots rang out."Leave the dead one and go after the wounded bird,"he shouted.Sam pointed out at the duck that was fluttering desperately to escape and said,"I've got an answer for you now,Boss.You said that my Christianity isn't so good because I have to struggle so.Well am the wounded duck and I struggle to get away from the devil.But Boss you are the dead duck.!"
Struggle is ones evidence of Gods work in our lives.Forgiveness of sins is available,so don't despair.Remember dead ducks don't flutter.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Get 'High'

Indulging in something terrifying or illegal,doing something before we die makes juicy tales to tell in the afterlife which is much better than doing cocaine of heroine that destroy your body though they both raise endorphine levels which produce a sense of contentment and result in a pervasive sense of happiness and wellbeing.So you can get 'high' on exercise,'high' on accomplishment(completing challenges).The release of endorphines can also be caused by pain,thats why some people find comfort in tattooing their whole body and piercing anything possible since for the it creates a sense of happiness or wholeness,crazy as it seems.Release of endorphies can also be caused by sex.While it takes an hour of running to bring a rush of endorphines,you can have the same effect with an orgasm and its a lot more fun.Also playing an instrument and eating chili can give you quite the rush so get 'high' constructively please!

Saturday, 16 April 2011


How to choose them wisely.There are those who you go to when you need to pour out your troubles and know that they will understand and give a shoulder to lean on,those who you will turn to if ever you need a good time out and will make you laugh,those who you can turn to and they will sort you out financially,those who you can go to for intelligent advice and there are those who are just friends by default,either both your mothers are in the same choir or they were classmates in high school or neighbors who you just cant ignore.
These friends don't necessarily bring any value to your life just like those facebook friends you accept since you both have friends in common and are sure they will fill up your wall.
The friends you have say a lot about you so its good to associate yourself with people who will bring out the good in you to others.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Do Good Today

Be a heart that gives.Wealth is not measured just by what you have but also by what you give.Approach life more differently.Doesn't there come a point in each of our lives when we start to judge our worth not just by the material wealth we have gathered,but also by what we have put back?Not just by the numbers in our bank accounts by the number of times we have acted expecting nothing in return.There is a real satisfaction in doing good.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

How is your self esteem?

How do we think of ourselves?Do we just see ourselves as good for nothings or people who can achieve anything we put our mind to and get past any obstacle?Heractitus said,"The road uphill and the road downhill are one and the same."Have you ever wondered how it is that some people seem to excel with little effort?They glide graciously through life achieving extraordinary results while others toil away but have few achievements to show for all their efforts.Peak performers in all walks of life show that they have similar ways of thinking about themselves and others.
High self esteem helps us think positively,mainly the work of the subconscious.The ki9nds of thoughts whether positive or negative that we feed our subconscious become reality as it follows these instructions.Hence its gravely important that we choose our thoughts wisely-if you think like a failure you are sure as likely to become one.High self esteem is reflected in our body language,you look more confident and in control.Low self esteem is fueled by fear,we fear what others will think,what they will do so we stop ourselves from doing something just because we don,t have the guts which people with high self esteem have plenty of.
Decide that fear has no place in your mind,have the guts to do what you want and you will be in charge and you will accomplish more than you can fathom.And I ask my favorite question,after all,what do you have to loose?

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


Have you heard of the new narcotic that people in Durban are smoking  called 'Whoonga'.This powder is made of laundry detergent,rat poison,and according to a pervasive urban legend,anti retrovirals (ARVs).Users sprinkle it over mariguana and smoke it.Thats just disturbing.The users use kids to steal ARVs an ingredient of the whoonga in South Africa which has the highest HIV positive population with 5.7 million of its 48 million people infected.For many the theft of their medicine seems like a death sentence,though some of them sell it to drug dealers at a profit.What is the world coming to?

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Do We Drive Our Men Away?

Do we drive our men away?I think so,Hell.I know so.There are three scenarios.The men who cant stick to one woman(mainly psychological),the men who are in a forced or arranged marriage and the men who are not satisfied with their women.
Its mostly the third case that causes men to stray.The psycho man is more of the cynical type,knowing that its a man's world,they think that they can get away with anything.They may also have been born and bred in that atmosphere where one ain't enough and hence are not wired to be monogamous.
Men in an arranged marriage,typical of some cultures,really don't have a choice,for them straying is a consolaton that their life is not pathetic.
For the third case women play a big role.I will quote the Bible where it says,'Do unto others what you want them to do unto you.'Women should treat their men in a way that will make them stay,make them long to come home to you.Otherwise,you can guess..Don't get me wrong, not all men in this situations are cheats.There are men who genuinely love and cherish their women and don't stray,as the case may be,Love surpasses all and 'For better For worse' is not just for married couples.But there are other men who can't be helped no matter how nice you get.Just ditch them.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Tired Pick up lines and Truly fabulous Turn Downs

My favorite is:
Guy:Where have you been all my life?
Girl:Where I will be for the rest of it,In your wildest dreams.
         Here are other snappy put-downs to tired predictable come-ons.
Guy:How did you get to be so beautiful?
Girl:I must have been given your share.
Guy:Haven't I seen you somewhere before?
Girl:Yes thats why I don't go there anymore.
Guy:Can I buy you a drink?
Girl:Actually I'd rather have the money.
Guy:Hey baby,what's your sign?
Girl:'No Entry'
Guy:Will you go out with me this Saturday?
Girl:Sorry I am having a headache this weekend.
Guy:Your face must turn a few heads.
Girl:And yours must turn a few stomachs.
Guy:I think I could make you very happy.
Girl:Why?Are you leaving?

Beauty over Brains

Laughing and chatting over lunch, a friend of mine suddenly confessed,"I am ugly,I've got sagging breasts and little drooping buttocks but I can still get men.I asked her how she did it.She gave me a straight answer,"Confidence:"she said.Truly beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
There is no greater secret to getting and keeping your man than to be confident.Have your own mind,your own sense of self and your own independence.Be an individual.The Leader not the Led.Have an opinion and don't be afraid to state it and know in you heart and in your mind that you are beautiful no matter who says otherwise.
You look at a guy and a girl together and you wonder,"What was that guy/girl thinking?"We are so quick to judge not knowing that looks,though important are not the be all end all.Having the looks but being a blonde just makes you a trophy as far as men as concerned.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

As It Is

I once heard someone saying,"'My child is a glue ear,"I was like, a what?In other words that is a naughty kid who does not listen.We hear very so often parents asking themselves where they went wrong when their kid does not turn out as expected or when they do something stupid.Children don't have a grasp of right or wrong,have little sense of danger and require close parental protection.
Parents have the duty to teach their children to develop moral cocepts for the child to learn what is expected of him/her in different situations.Children are mainly inquisitive and exploratory and some children push boundaries more than others and this may be considered as 'naughty' or 'bad' not knowing that this may be strengths in adulthood.
When caning and grounding does not work as disciplinary measures,we should try a different approach.The child may be communicating something else to you,such as resentment or need for attention.As Fred Gosman said,"The more we shelter children from every disappointment,the more devastating further disappointments will be.

Business Sense

You have this great business idea but the problem is you are not sure where to have very little capital and business skills and only driven by a burning ambition or in other cases sheer desperation.Look within yourself and bring out your talents and hobbies and  exploit them.Start where you are so that you can earn your way to where you want to be.
Don't be like those entrepreneurs who want to start at the finish  line.Be wise and start where you can with whatever money you have,then when you have enough capital you can begin doing what you really want to without having a burden of debt.
The secret to business is to know something nobody else knows.Be courageous and be ready to take the leap and ask yourself,what do you have to loose?

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

The Worker

I was reading an article titled,'Know your life number.'I was curious to know what this meant.Apparently numerologists have discovered a way that you can know your personality by using your date of birth.I calculated my life number and I turned out to be 'The Worker'.One who gets the job done and has more inner strength than any life number.My guaranteed success lies in shouldering responsibilities and not shying away from tough situations and job shopping and passionate relationships are not meant to suit The Worker.I was thinking that this guy was not far off.
Astrologers and numerologists have studied the stars, moon and planets' position to know when a person was born and know their actions and reactions.One is always tempted to peruse through the zodiac signs and they say something about you that sometimes defines your day.Though this may be and as  far as understanding man goes I believe it is more than that.As much as these revelations may have you pegged just because they touch some aspects of your life,they should not shape your life.You are who you are and not because  Scorpio  or  Virgo  says so.