Friday, 24 June 2011

Are you a dead duck?

Many years ago,a wealthy man went duck hunting with a hired hand  named Sam.They took a horse and carriage and along the way a rim came off one of the wheels.As he hammered it back on,he accidentally hit his finger.Instantly he let go with some bad words.He quickly fell on his knees asking Gods forgiveness."Lord,its so difficult at times to live the Christian life,"he prayed.
"Sam,"said the man.'I know you are a Christian,but tell me why you struggle so.I'm an atheist and I dont have problems like that."Sam dint know what to say.Just then two ducks flew overhead.The man raised his gun and two shots rang out."Leave the dead one and go after the wounded bird,"he shouted.Sam pointed out at the duck that was fluttering desperately to escape and said,"I've got an answer for you now,Boss.You said that my Christianity isn't so good because I have to struggle so.Well am the wounded duck and I struggle to get away from the devil.But Boss you are the dead duck.!"
Struggle is ones evidence of Gods work in our lives.Forgiveness of sins is available,so don't despair.Remember dead ducks don't flutter.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Get 'High'

Indulging in something terrifying or illegal,doing something before we die makes juicy tales to tell in the afterlife which is much better than doing cocaine of heroine that destroy your body though they both raise endorphine levels which produce a sense of contentment and result in a pervasive sense of happiness and wellbeing.So you can get 'high' on exercise,'high' on accomplishment(completing challenges).The release of endorphines can also be caused by pain,thats why some people find comfort in tattooing their whole body and piercing anything possible since for the it creates a sense of happiness or wholeness,crazy as it seems.Release of endorphies can also be caused by sex.While it takes an hour of running to bring a rush of endorphines,you can have the same effect with an orgasm and its a lot more fun.Also playing an instrument and eating chili can give you quite the rush so get 'high' constructively please!